Financial supports

The Foyer Tolbiac is a subsidized establishment by the Family allowance fund. You can so, under certain conditions perceive a housing subsidy (APL).
Once arrived, you have to make an appointment with the socio-educational team.
During this appointment, you will get a form to fill and to return to the team accompanied with the following documents :

It is imperative that you do not apply for help on your own.
Please don’t make your demand of financial supports by yourself. Indeed, the Foyer Tolbiac is subsidised, our forms are normalised and we have to add a document to your file. You would not win time.
After you sent your file you will receive post mails of the Family allowance fund to give yourselves your beneficiary’s card, a password to connect you to your account and follow the processing of your demand.
As we use to know, we can say that are it needs around three months before perceiving the financial support. You have to return your form completed with all the documents needed as soon as possible.
Documents to provide:
- Copy of an ID card or for the foreigners (except UE), the visa of current validity and the label OFII.
Medical insurance
- For the European nationals (EU), the copy of the European medical card. For the not European nationals, a certificate of health coverage.
Proof of activity
- A documentary evidence of activity : employment contract with the three last pay slips(if possible), certificate of compensation or non-compensation from employment agency, agreement of internship, proof of attendance.